Farigoulette Connection
custom made 1983 - 1991

shape & design François Germain


During the 80's, funboarding brought a wind of freedom, allowing young people to access new forms of gliding.

Farigoulette was one of the main actors of this shared dream.

If the generation of the 70's was so marked by customs, it is because certain brands made them true objects of art, in addition to being efficient.

Many have remained nostalgic for this golden age, so I decided to make my pre-digital archives available.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of them turned out to be unusable...

Many hours of retouching have allowed improvements but no miracles, too bad, I'm giving them to you anyway, please be indulgent!

I just hope that it will please some people.

Farigoulette was not a business, it was a life experience, a collective delirium, a practical exercise of creative freedom.

Here is a glimpse of it, enjoy!




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